My Heart Was Broken Last Week — And It Was Awesome

Opening your heart is the only way to freedom.

Megan Dickson
3 min readFeb 4, 2021
Photo by filmplusdigital on Unsplash

The full moon happened roughly three days ago, and during the period leading up to it, I was feeling off, bothered, and stuck. Knowing that I’ve gone through resistance many times before, I trusted that more free-flowing days would come so I simply acknowledged the resistance and allowed it to continue on without spending much time dwelling on the potentially-torturous questions of why or how.

Fast forward to the night of the full moon and, spontaneously, my long-time friend Eamonn and I had front row seats to this beautiful cosmic show in the backyard of our high school. We sat on these cold rubber-covered metal benches and basked in the magnificent white glow of the full moon’s presence above. Here is this radiant and pure being with forces so powerful it rocks the tides of the ocean. It’s simply incredible, and to witness the miraculous beauty of her being in fullest expression is even more so.

As the moon cracked wide open that night and exposed her real and whole self, my heart did as well. I don’t know how nor do I know why, but I do know my awareness has grown and life has this greater meaning that wasn’t there before. It sounds inflated, but it’s true. Not only have I been giving and receiving love with more openness and acceptance lately, I rest easy in the gratitude that flows freely from this powerful space of the heart.

Truth be told, I was subconsciously clinging to past ties that my heart was once connected with. I thought I had fully forgiven and moved on but, now knowing what it feels like to have my heart so fully open, I realize that there must still have been some resistance within that was blocking my heart from existing in its pure free-flowing state. My takeaway from this new knowledge and experience is to always strive to open the heart, day after day, moment after moment, heartbreak after heartbreak.

When we do the work to allow our hearts to exist vulnerably and free, we open the doors to a whole world of possibilities overflowing with the nurturing and expansive sensation of love.

When our heart is set free, we grow in all facets of our lives, feel connected to others and the world around us, and embody the high vibration that is known as love. We are able to give and receive greater compassion, be in a relationship with our emotions, set healthy boundaries, protect our mental health, and be free of the suffering of past emotional pain. When the heart center is open, we step into our power, embrace the abundance around us and welcome the beauty and richness that life has to offer.

Heartbreak and heart-resistance is painful in a way that is as unique as the universe itself. But allowing ourselves the patience, healing, forgiveness, and freedom to move forward with our bright and beautiful full moon hearts allows us the opportunity to seize the abundance, joy, and gratitude that life has to offer. Love really is the most beautiful, and arguably the most powerful, force there is.

Events of the cosmos have a way of opening the door to new paradigms of thinking, awareness, and being. And the recent full moon placed into our awareness this:

Be brave in the pursuit of opening your heart. For the force that exists within the heart is the same force that rocks the tides of the oceans.

If you’re feeling resistance around the full moon, explore a deeper gentleness with yourself. As the tides sway with the waning and waxing moon, allow your heart to burst open through the ebbs and flow of life. Open your heart, especially in the midst of resistance, and you will be set free.

