The Seat of the Observer

Megan Dickson
2 min readOct 4, 2021


What an enlightened metaphor can teach us about connection.

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

The seat of the observer is a metaphor for one experiencing expanded awareness and observing their own life as an outsider.

Ultimately, the seat of the observer realizes the connectedness of all things in the universe; Something so brilliantly stated by Marcus Aurelius:

“For in a sense, all things are mutually woven together and therefor have an affinity for each other — for one thing follows after another according to their tension of movement, their sympathetic stirrings, and the unity of all substance” (Meditations, 6.38).

It is a pretty neat view to experience your thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs objectively. And even more so to have them, and also “you,” be soaked in compassion and love. It’s a very healing state, too. Through this “seat” we see us and all things in the universe as connected, and we notice that the pure light flowing within us, is the same pure light flowing through everything else.

When we experience ourselves as an outsider, we see the oceans of possibility and love flowing through all of us, not just “I”. We are presented with the unity of the universe and look at ourselves not through the subjective “I” lens, but the subjective “us” lens. We realize that we are all connected, always have been and always will be.

There are times, though, where we may feel disconnected. The first step is to realize you feel disconnected. The second step is to realize you need to expand your awareness, and search for the seat of the observer.

How have you experienced taking the seat of an observer in your own life?

This article was originally published by Megan Dickson on Fluidity Wellness.

